Hello world
Inserts the Hello world! phrase when the user presses the button.
Plugin type: non-visual, non-system.
Supported editors: documents.
Download this plugin from GitHub and install it following the desktop, on-premises, or cloud installation instructions.
- Find the plugin on the Plugins tab.
- Click the hello world button.
Plugin structure
Repository on GitHub: helloworld.
- config.json, index.html, and helloworld.js
- Icons
- index_about.html for the plugin About window
"name": "hello world",
"guid": "asc.{0616AE85-5DBE-4B6B-A0A9-455C4F1503AD}",
"baseUrl": "",
"variations": [
"description": "hello world",
"url": "index.html",
"icons": ["resources/img/icon.png", "resources/img/icon@2x.png"],
"isViewer": false,
"EditorsSupport": ["word"],
"isVisual": false,
"initDataType": "none",
"initData": "",
"buttons": []
"description": "About",
"url": "index_about.html",
"icons": ["resources/img/icon.png", "resources/img/icon@2x.png"],
"isViewer": false,
"EditorsSupport": ["word"],
"isVisual": true,
"isModal": true,
"isInsideMode": false,
"initDataType": "none",
"initData": "",
"buttons": [
"text": "Ok",
"primary": true
"size": [392, 147]
Methods and events
- button
- init
- callCommand
- Asc.scope object
- info.recalculate
If you want to request a feature or report a bug regarding this plugin, use the issues section on GitHub.